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CVH Healthy Garden Takes Root

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garden outdoorsThe seeds of a dream once planted have now sprouted into reality at CVH. This spring, under the direction of Dawn Ripper from Job’s Peak General Surgery, the CVH Healthy Garden project took root. In July, the plants, fruits, and veggies growing in the Healthy Garden are in full bloom.

Some of the produce will be available for use by the hospital’s dietary department as well as for staff and visitors to enjoy. Neighbors to the hospital -- Merrill Gardens -- has adopted one of the flower boxes for their residents to maintain. “We are so excited that the garden project took off the way it did this year. We are looking forward to expanding the project next year and envision that we can offer more locally grown food in our dietary selections and possibly brighten our patients’ day with flowers from the garden.” says hospital spokesperson Shannon Albert.

This project became a reality through the dedication of a committee at the hospital as well as generous donations from Home Depot, AHERN rentals, Ace Hardware, Cinderlite, Full Circle Compost, Atlas Construction, Greenhouse Garden Center, and Rite Aid.

For more information about CVH, visit or contact the CVH Public Relations office at 775.782.1512.